Calibration of the BlowerDoor measuring systems

Benefit from the expertise of BlowerDoor GmbH

Ensure the high precision of BlowerDoor measurement technology through regular calibration. Both the manufacturer's calibration and the calibration with a DAkkS or a Cofrac certificate are subject to high quality standards at BlowerDoor. Upon request, we will provide you with a replacement measuring device for the duration of the calibration or in case of repair.

Data sheet calibration

Calibration of the pressure gauges

As an accredited laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, BlowerDoor GmbH has been offering DAkkS-certified calibrations for pressure measuring devices since 2015. The extensive investments in the accreditation of our in-house calibration laboratory were made in order to meet the increasing requirements of national and international standards.

As an alternative to calibration with a DAkkS certificate, we also offer manufacturer's calibration for our pressure gauges in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

Both the calibration with DAkkS certificate and the manufacturer's calibration include prior basic maintenance and functional testing and, if necessary, adjustment of the pressure gauges.

Calibration of the BlowerDoor measuring fans

If the calibration is performed by our ISO/IEC 17025 accredited partner laboratory, the conformity of the measuring fan is assessed up to ± 4% (open fan and rings A - C as well as rings 1 - 4) and ± 5% (rings D + E). You will receive a Cofrac certificate (formerly DAkkS certificate). Cofrac is a signatory to the international agreement of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) for the recognition of the equivalence of calibration documents.

As an alternative to calibration by our accredited partner laboratory, we offer manufacturer's calibration of the BlowerDoor fans in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

Before each calibration, basic maintenance and a functional test of the measuring fan are carried out.